Continental Setting: Across the World

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by Vanessa Nakate

“We believe that at the center of this effort must be a genuine commitment not only to environmental, racial, and climate justice, but to the empowerment of girls and women, who are facing the crisis most acutely and are at the forefront of efforts to combat it.”

by Edward Burtynsky, Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier

“Modern human civilization has developed within just 10,000 years, yet our success as a species has tipped the planet’s systems outside their natural limits.”

by Sy Montgomery

“School is not the only place to find a teacher.”

by Jonnie Hughes

“This is not about saving our planet, it’s about saving ourselves. The truth is, with our without us, the natural world will rebuild.”

by Emma Reynolds

“We can’t eat money or drink oil. One day I will be an ancestor and I want my descendants to know I used my voice so they can have a future.”

by Stacy McAnulty

“You can call me Planet Awesome.”

by Bart Davis, Julian Lennon

“On our beautiful planet, some places need healing. Would you like to go on a healing adventure?”

by Joyce Sidman

“Earth, we know you can’t answer all our questions in words. You answer in other ways.”

by Julia Richardson

“Swish, swirl, one hundred seeds fly. / One little seed flies with the wind, far, far away.”

by Patricia MacLachlan

“She guards all the creatures in all the oceans—the black manta rays sleek like shadows, the shining parrot fish, the tiny krill who swim with millions of other krill to look big. And the whales who are big.”

by Douglas W. Tallamy, Sarah L. Thomson

“We just have to change the way we think about plants.”

by Greta Thunberg

“We will never stop fighting for the living planet and for our future.”

by Molly Bang, Penny Chisholm

“Dive into the sea! Now flip over slowly, and look up. The water is shimmering with light – my light. I am your sun, your golden star. All ocean life depends on me; so does all life on land.”

by Loll Kirby

“I am smart enough to read this book. I care enough to hear the news. I know enough to make the change. I am old enough to save the planet”.

by Molly Bang, Penny Chisholm

“I am your Sun. My energy warms your days. I light up your world. But of all my planets, only one is teeming with life: your Earth. Why? Because it is covered with water – H2O – always moving, always changing, from liquid to solid to vapor and back again.”