
Our mission is to achieve universal climate literacy through literature, film, and other media for young people.

Our work is based on three core tenets



Climate literacy learning must happen across all content areas

Addressing climate change is not only a scientific or technological challenge. Scientific evidence alone is not sufficient to trigger the social and political transformation necessary to address climate change.

Climate change is a challenge for our imaginations.

And the best technology we have for rising to this challenge is called
the story.



Climate literacy learning must be a universal education standard

Teaching about climate change should be at the heart of our educational practice.

Centering discussions, lessons, and learning about issues of climate change in all subject areas is the most meaningful action we can take to nurture universal climate literacy.

Doing so will empower young people to become agents of change in a transition to a just, ecological civilization.

Children's Literature


Climate literacy is best learned through engagement with story

Literature for young people is ground zero for addressing climate change.

Why? Because young people have more stake in the future than anyone else.

Literature, film, and art for this audience are not additional but the most important avenues for raising climate awareness and mobilizing climate action.

Who We Are

Climate Lit is the flagship project of the Center for Climate Literacy. Founded in 2021 by Marek Oziewicz and Lara Saguisag, Climate Lit is an open-access, searchable, online compendium of resources for teaching climate literacy in every classroom using books, films, games, apps, and more. Content is user generated and undergoes a thorough peer-review process to ensure that every material the site hosts is both teacher and scholar approved.

Climate Lit’s literature database is meant to be ready-to-go for classroom use while also being adaptable for specific contexts. For this reason, entries on literature go beyond mere summary to highlight how the text provides an opening to discuss specific climate issues, topics, and vocabulary. Accompanying the literature database is a climate literacy glossary: a list of keywords that includes definitions of each term, examples of each term from young people’s literature and media, and examples from real world events. Each glossary entry include hyperlinks to relevant texts for easy access. Like reviews, glossary terms are peer-reviewed and open to future edits.

Learn more about the Center for Climate Literacy’s broader mission here.

Institutional Members

Info here.