Publication Years: 2023

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by Brian Selznick

“Merwin. All life is in danger. Remember, life began as a gift, and it must always be treated as such. No matter how unstoppable the danger seems, no matter how unavoidable, there’s always something you can do.”

by John Stith, Shaunna Stith

“The more Sam learned, the more powerful she felt. There were so many ways to help!”

by Magic Pockets

“For thousands of years, our clan has protected the island’s ecosystem.”

by Emma Reynolds

“We can’t eat money or drink oil. One day I will be an ancestor and I want my descendants to know I used my voice so they can have a future.”

by Pari Thomson

“Daisy felt all around her the unmistakeable atmosphere of Mallowmarsh on the breeze: of cool water and silver birches and plum trees, the tang of rich and concentrated green magic that had built up in one place for centuries. She was almost dizzy with it. How could she have not sensed it before?”

by Katherine Rundell

“He’s a guardian. He had not been clear, until this moment, what that meant: it meant this feeling. It meant burning to keep watch, for that which needed to be watched. It meant burning to keep it safe. It meant a ferocious and careful love.”

by Sadé Smith

“Julie loved all kinds of fruit. But the ones she loved most were mangoes.”

by Marie Boyd

“I’m not just a worm. I can do lots of things.”

by Douglas W. Tallamy, Sarah L. Thomson

“We just have to change the way we think about plants.”

by Anne Wynter

“Before anyone finds out how high they can climb, Nell picks up a seed.”

by Dave Eggers

“It is a tendency of the human species to see themselves in everything, to assume all living things, animals in particular, are simply corollaries to humans, but in this book, that is not the case. Here, the dogs are dogs, the birds are birds, goats are goats, the Bison Bison.”

by M. G. Leonard

“One snowflake will melt on its own, but billions of them together … are powerful enough to change the face of a planet.”