Science Standard: HS-ESS3-3

HS-ESS3-3: Earth and Human Activity

Create a computational simulation to illustrate the relationships among management of natural resources, the sustainability of human populations, and biodiversity.

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by Robin Wall Kimmerer

“Children hearing the Skywoman story from birth know in their bones the responsibility that flows between humans and the earth.”

by Joyce Sidman

“Earth, we know you can’t answer all our questions in words. You answer in other ways.”

by Douglas W. Tallamy, Sarah L. Thomson

“We just have to change the way we think about plants.”

by Heidi Tyline King

“MyVanee was saving more than a beach.”

Tales from the Inner City

by Shaun Tan

“It’s hard to convey how natural it all seemed, and how even the first conversations began without us really noticing.”

World Without Fish

by Mark Kurlansky

“You cannot afford to be passive. … The survival of not only the oceans but of our world is at stake”