Topic: Gaia

Gaia (origin: collective and James E. Lovelock & Lynn Margulis)

Gaia, also known as the Gaia Hypothesis, was named after the Greek Goddess of Earth. The Gaia Hypothesis states that Earth is a self-regulating entity which keeps the planet functioning to serve all life that resides on it. Some examples of the Earth as self-regulating are changes in temperature, shifting plates, or even aquatic organisms creating elements that land needs.

While the Western understanding of Gaia was generated by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the 1970’s–making it a relatively new theory of how the planet functions–Gaia as a concept has been around for centuries. The name Gaia derives from Greek mythology, but many Indigenous cultures and religions across the globe view the Earth as sacred and a living being and give her other names such as Pachamama (Indigenous people of the Andes) and Bhumi (Hindu). In 20th century popular culture, Mother Earth became a popular characterization of this concept of a caring personification of the planet.

Seeing that human behavior has caused so much interference and harm to Mother Earth, some scientists believe we have messed with the self-regulatory flow (see Anthropocene) which has led to a new theory of “Gaia 2.0,” according to Osborne at Newsweek. This is where we as humans become aware that we have the power to manipulate and manage these self-regulating systems. However, some scientists question how much power humans have over the Earth’s flow since, if humans were to go extinct, Earth would still be here, self-regulating its new systems.

©2024 ClimateLit (Amalia Oien)

Related Terms: AnthropoceneClimate ChangeAnimismVitalismPachamama, Earth’s AlivenessMother Earth

Want to learn more? Check out the following:

Boston, P.J. “Gaia Hypothesis.” Science Direct, 2008,

Osborne, Hannah. “Humans Have Altered Earth’s Self-Regulation System.” Newsweek, Newsweek, 18 Sept. 2018

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by Jon Scieszka

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