Topic: Trees

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by Brian Selznick

“Merwin. All life is in danger. Remember, life began as a gift, and it must always be treated as such. No matter how unstoppable the danger seems, no matter how unavoidable, there’s always something you can do.”

by Ken Wilson-Max

“Dad told Eve how each tree has its own special part to play in the world, taking care of animals and people.”

by Ben Okri

“You humans seem to think that we trees are just decoration. But we are beings like you. We feel. We respond to love and attention. You should see how we glow when we are loved.”

by Tera Kelley

“The forest gave what it had, so the giant tree might live”

by Chris Renaud

“A town without nature: not one living tree. So what happened to them? Cue the music, let’s see.”

The Lorax

by Dr. Seuss

“I meant no harm. I most truly did not. / But I had to grow bigger. So bigger I got.”

by Katherine Applegate

“This tree … It’s almost like it’s human”