Topic: Vitalism

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by Ben Okri

“You humans seem to think that we trees are just decoration. But we are beings like you. We feel. We respond to love and attention. You should see how we glow when we are loved.”

by Joyce Sidman

“Earth, we know you can’t answer all our questions in words. You answer in other ways.”

by Patricia MacLachlan

“She guards all the creatures in all the oceans—the black manta rays sleek like shadows, the shining parrot fish, the tiny krill who swim with millions of other krill to look big. And the whales who are big.”

by Carlos López Estrada, Don Hall

“Now to restore peace, I must find the last dragon. My name is Raya.”

by Don Hall

“This place is alive. It’s a living thing! We didn’t find the heart of Pando. We found an actual heart.”