Topic: Environmental Justice

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by Vanessa Nakate

“We believe that at the center of this effort must be a genuine commitment not only to environmental, racial, and climate justice, but to the empowerment of girls and women, who are facing the crisis most acutely and are at the forefront of efforts to combat it.”

by Bao Phi

“Dad smiles, his teeth broken and white in the dark, because we have a few fish and he knows we will eat tonight.”

by Becky Chambers

“It is difficult for anyone born and raised in human infrastructure to truly internalize the fact that your view of the world is backward… even if you know that the wilderness is the default state of things…. you will still struggle to understand that human constructs are carved out, and overlaid, that these are the places that are the in-between, not the other way around.”

by Jasbinder Bilan

“I screw my eyes tightly closed, place my palms together and say a prayer . . . I hear the rushing water of the Ganges, the mountain winds whistling their way through the valleys of Moormanali and connect to the ancient rhythms of my ancestors.”

by Jewell Parker Rhodes

“Saving the environment is harder than fractions. Harder than getting my sisters to be nice. Harder than dreaming nightmares. Or searching for mermaids.”

by Michaela Goade

“We take care of the land… as the land takes care of us. Gunalchéesh, I say giving thanks.”

by Ryan Coogler

“Wakanda is strong enough to help others and help ourselves.”

by Jonnie Hughes

“This is not about saving our planet, it’s about saving ourselves. The truth is, with our without us, the natural world will rebuild.”

by Amy Allgeyer

“I nod, but my mind’s fixed on something else—something abnormal in the valley. Something that might be causing all those health problems. And that something is bright orange.”

by Emma Reynolds

“We can’t eat money or drink oil. One day I will be an ancestor and I want my descendants to know I used my voice so they can have a future.”

by Jarrod Shusterman, Neal Shusterman

“Used to be no one much knew or cared where our water came from. It was just there. But when the Central Valley started to dry up and the price of produce skyrocketed, people started to pay attention”

by Ken Wilson-Max

“Dad told Eve how each tree has its own special part to play in the world, taking care of animals and people.”

by Julie Bertagna

“The new century will surely bring the miracle we need, the islanders tell each other. Earth may have abandoned others to its swallowing seas…but, they claim, that could never happen to us.”

Frozen 2, Climate Lit

by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee

“Our lands and people, now connected by love.” 

by Lauren James

“It was impossible not to care for the plants around her when she could feel their drowsy, contented vibrations as they soaked up the sunlight and fresh rainwater. In a best-case scenario, Dad would understand when she explained that she needed to take responsibility for their pollution.”