Topic: Wealth Inequality

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by Jon Scieszka

“Even though the Water Planet did not turn out to be a good Goldilocks Planet, it did turn out to be a good lesson on how to take care of a planet.”

by Jewell Parker Rhodes

“Saving the environment is harder than fractions. Harder than getting my sisters to be nice. Harder than dreaming nightmares. Or searching for mermaids.”

by Julie Bertagna

“The new century will surely bring the miracle we need, the islanders tell each other. Earth may have abandoned others to its swallowing seas…but, they claim, that could never happen to us.”

by Lauren James

“It was impossible not to care for the plants around her when she could feel their drowsy, contented vibrations as they soaked up the sunlight and fresh rainwater. In a best-case scenario, Dad would understand when she explained that she needed to take responsibility for their pollution.”

by Guerrilla Games

“It’s not about the distant hope of creating a new world. It’s about preserving the one we have.”

by Abi Elphinstone

“My brother and my friend in Jungledrop taught me that worlds are not built by people of power!” she cried. “Worlds are built by people who care! Kingdoms go on because kindness goes on.”

by Greta Thunberg

“This is the biggest story in the world”

by Oliver Jeffers

“For the fate of Fausto did not matter to them.”

by Lamar Giles

“So many times in history it’s the youth who see the clearest and can save the day”.

by Cindy Pon

“[I]n the end, the truth was a harsh and ugly one: in order to change the status quo, we had to be destructive. Seize control of the narrative. Redirect the plot”