Topic: Climate Emotions

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by Shaun Tan

“But maybe pigs suffer in a way we can’t know. Who can say for sure what another animal is feeling?”

by Shaun Tan

“After all, dear beloved, I need you as much as you need me. And where could we live if not in the bottomless den or each other’s shadow?”

by Becky Chambers

“It is difficult for anyone born and raised in human infrastructure to truly internalize the fact that your view of the world is backward… even if you know that the wilderness is the default state of things…. you will still struggle to understand that human constructs are carved out, and overlaid, that these are the places that are the in-between, not the other way around.”

by Edward Burtynsky, Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier

“Modern human civilization has developed within just 10,000 years, yet our success as a species has tipped the planet’s systems outside their natural limits.”

by Brian Selznick

“Merwin. All life is in danger. Remember, life began as a gift, and it must always be treated as such. No matter how unstoppable the danger seems, no matter how unavoidable, there’s always something you can do.”

by Julie Flett

“Our new home sits on a hill overlooking a field … The field is covered in snowdrops.”

by Robin Wall Kimmerer

“Children hearing the Skywoman story from birth know in their bones the responsibility that flows between humans and the earth.”

by Deborah Hopkinson

“I learned that in twenty years, the number of monarchs has fallen by ninety percent. The problem is so big, and butterflies are so small.”

by Jeff Orlowski, Larissa Rhodes

“Most people stare up into space with wonder. Yet, we have this almost alien world on our own planet just teeming with life. But it’s a world people almost never explore.”

by Micha Archer

“On Tuesday, Daniel climbs the old oak tree. He sees Squirrel. ‘Squirrel, do you know what poetry is?’ ‘Poetry is when crisp leaves crunch,’ Squirrel tells him.”

by Dara McAnulty

“All birds live brightly in our imagination, connecting us to the natural world, opening up all kinds of creativity. Is this connection really diminishing to the point of no return? I refuse to believe it.” 

by Margarita Engle

“I can’t resolve or invent the past. / I need a way to change the future.”

by Pari Thomson

“Daisy felt all around her the unmistakeable atmosphere of Mallowmarsh on the breeze: of cool water and silver birches and plum trees, the tang of rich and concentrated green magic that had built up in one place for centuries. She was almost dizzy with it. How could she have not sensed it before?”

Greta and the Giants: Inspired by Greta Thunberg’s Stand the Save the World, Climate Lit

by Zoë Tucker

“And no one told them to stop because everyone was scared of them”

by Joyce Sidman

“Earth, we know you can’t answer all our questions in words. You answer in other ways.”