Topic: Limits to Growth

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by Edward Burtynsky, Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier

“Modern human civilization has developed within just 10,000 years, yet our success as a species has tipped the planet’s systems outside their natural limits.”

by Joyce Sidman

“Earth, we know you can’t answer all our questions in words. You answer in other ways.”

by Elizabeth Knox

“He’s going to do it, she thought. God help us all. He really does mean to save the world”

by Lauren Stringer

“The Dark was tired of hiding. Nightlights, streetlights, flashlights, and table lamps — all pushed the Dark away. Everyone was afraid of the dark. Everyone wished the Dark would leave.”

The Lorax

by Dr. Seuss

“I meant no harm. I most truly did not. / But I had to grow bigger. So bigger I got.”

The Wump World

by Bill Peet

“This world of our has gone sour. We’ve got to get out of here quick”

World Without Fish

by Mark Kurlansky

“You cannot afford to be passive. … The survival of not only the oceans but of our world is at stake”