Topic: Extreme Weather Events

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by K. O'Neill

“I know our village is small, and we can only do small things to help the sea. But I still think we should do them. Even if other people are harming the reef, it doesn’t make it okay for us to as well.”

by Emma Reynolds

“We can’t eat money or drink oil. One day I will be an ancestor and I want my descendants to know I used my voice so they can have a future.”

by Jarrod Shusterman, Neal Shusterman

“Used to be no one much knew or cared where our water came from. It was just there. But when the Central Valley started to dry up and the price of produce skyrocketed, people started to pay attention”

by Stacy McAnulty

“You can call me Planet Awesome.”

by Julie Bertagna

“The new century will surely bring the miracle we need, the islanders tell each other. Earth may have abandoned others to its swallowing seas…but, they claim, that could never happen to us.”

by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee

“That’s no blizzard. That’s my sister.”

Frozen 2, Climate Lit

by Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee

“Our lands and people, now connected by love.” 

by Lauren James

“It was impossible not to care for the plants around her when she could feel their drowsy, contented vibrations as they soaked up the sunlight and fresh rainwater. In a best-case scenario, Dad would understand when she explained that she needed to take responsibility for their pollution.”

by Michele Weber Hurwitz

“I bend toward the water and look closer. The start of a dead zone? Was that boy trying to scare us, like Maya said? Or does he really know what’s happening? I spot another dead fish, floating on its side. There are clumps of green on its silver scales, more than the last one had. I walk away from the reeds and kneel by a clearer part of the water. ‘Renn? Everything okay?’ There’s a pause, then: ‘I’ve been better’. ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘Hard to explain.’”

by Guerrilla Games

“It’s not about the distant hope of creating a new world. It’s about preserving the one we have.”

by Jimmy Heyward, Steve Martino

“We will put the speck on Mount Nool before the end of this decade.”

by Soosh

“And from that day on, my classmates and I picked up any garbage we found on the shore so that Mermaid could return someday.”

by Huỳnh Him Liên, Phùng Nguyên Quang

“When you don’t know a place, it can be scary … But what you know can make a difference, turn the unfamiliar into family. I get to trace the edges of my path.”

by Loll Kirby

“I am smart enough to read this book. I care enough to hear the news. I know enough to make the change. I am old enough to save the planet”.

by Jason Chin

“Coast redwoods need a lot of water to grow as tall as they do, and the area in Northern California where they live is perfect – it’s a rain forest.”